耶 Yeah! Music Video

We’ve been working so hard and waited so long to finally bring you the music video for the song 耶 Yeah!
We put so much work into this video, months of dance training, choosing the right clothes, locations, and because of all our busy schedules having to shoot it in the freezing cold instead of when we originally planned! But we think you will love the result and hope like us, you think its was worthwhile! We think it really shows each of our unique style and personality.

Thanks so much to our team for putting this together:
Dance choreography: Valentina of K Crew, NUFU2R
Dance Teacher: Lulu of K Crew
Video Production: Yan Pashkevich, Jarome Matthew, Siarhei Valynets

Makeup & Hair: Olivia Wang 黄梦梦

Yeah Yeah album cover